SRJC Fall 2024 Intramural Forensics Speech and Performance Tournament
Invitation and Schedule!
SRJC will be hosting this Tournament on:
Friday May 9, 2025 11am-3pm @Garcia Hall, Santa Rosa Junior College
Registration opens at 10:30am, Awards at 2:30pm
Sign-up form (by 5/07/2025): https://forms.office.com/r/66FpyHPVp4
Tournament website: https://comm-studies.santarosa.edu/intramural-forensics-tournament
Contact: jhamzehee@santarosa.edu (Josh Hamzehee, Director) with questions
Below you will find: Tournament Information, Schedule, and Event Guidelines. For forensics team information visit our website or social media.
You are invited to Santa Rosa Junior College’s Intramural Forensics Speech and Performance Tournament on Friday May 9, 2025 from 11am-3pm in Garcia Hall! The tournament is open to all SRJC students. If you’re looking for ways to build your public speaking skills, your resumé, or your transfer application, this tournament experience is for you!
Safer than Squid Games, as competitive as The Hunger Games, and easier to qualify for than the Olympics; this intramural speech competition is a great way to show off your knowledge in a speech or presentation you’ve already done for class, a performance you’ve always wanted to deliver, or an impromptu skill you’ve wanted to develop. All in a supportive environment!
All you need:
1. Have an informative or persuasive speech, a performance, or be ready to give an impromptu!
2. Fill out sign-up form by 05/07/2025
3. You’re ready to compete: Friday 05/09 @11am-3pm in Garcia Hall!
Want to prepare? Have questions? Need help? Contact: jhamzehee@santarosa.edu
Dr. Joshua Hamzehee, Director of Forensics Speech, Debate, and Performance Team
If you love it and would like to receive academic credit for your participation in the future, opportunities to travel to perform, and to join the Forensics Speech, Debate, and Performance Team, register for Comm 52A.
Friday Dec. 6, 2024 11am-3pm @Garcia Hall, Santa Rosa Junior College
Registration opens at 10:30am
10:30 Registration – Sign In, Warm-ups, Refreshments
11:00 ROUND 1 (Informative, Persuasive, Impromptu, Performance)
12:00 ROUND 2 (Informative, Persuasive, Impromptu, Performance)
1:30 Finals of all events
2:30 Awards Ceremony
Event Rules and Guidelines for Informative, Persuasive, Impromptu, and Performance
Informative Speech or Presentation
3-10 minutes. Informative is a speech written by the student with the intent to showcase their personality while educating the audience. An Informative is not simply an essay about the topic—it is a well-researched and organized presentation with evidence, logic, and sometimes humor to convey a message.
A. Delivery may be from memory, extemporaneous (with or without notes), or by reading the manuscript.
B. Speeches shall not exceed 10 minutes in length. There is no minimum time limit.
C. Speeches must use credible, contemporary, and accurate sources.
D. Use of language and audience analysis.
E. Overall feedback provided on: Content, delivery, audience impact.
Persuasive Speech (Serious or Humorous)
3-10 minutes. A persuasive is a speech written by the student with the intent to persuade an audience to take action on a social issue. A persuasive speech is not simply an opinion essay or rant —it is a well-researched and organized presentation with evidence, logic, and sometimes humor to convey a need to take clear action.
A. Delivery may be from memory, extemporaneous (with or without notes), or by reading the manuscript.
B. Speeches shall not exceed 10 minutes in length. There is no minimum time limit.
C. Speeches must use credible, contemporary, and accurate sources.
D. Use of language and audience analysis
E. Overall feedback provided on: Content, delivery, audience impact.
Impromptu Speech (Limited Preparation)
7 minutes or less. Impromptu is a public speaking event where students have seven minutes to select a topic, brainstorm their ideas, outline, and deliver a speech. Usually 1-3 minutes preparation time for a 4-5 minute speech. You will be given a quotation (or other topic), and asked to interpret it and provide examples to support your interpretation.
A. In the presence of one judge and other contestants, the speaker talks for no more than 7 minutes about the topic selected.
B. Each contestant will be given 3 topics from quotations, slogans, art, grabbag, objects, etc.
C. No outside notes are permitted except for a blank index card that the student may write on during his or her preparation time.
D. The judge will indicate elapsed time by providing verbal time signals until the contest begins to speak, and then appropriate non-verbal time signals for the time the contestant is speaking. The judge will announce their particular time signals to contestants before round begins.
A. Speeches shall not exceed 7 minutes in length.
B. Speeches must use credible, contemporary, and accurate examples.
C. Use of language and audience analysis
D. Overall feedback provided on: Content, delivery, audience impact.
Performance of Literature or Original Text(s)
3-10 minutes. A performance of literature can be from any genre (poetry, prose, drama, other), using a single or multiple texts, or created by a performer. This should be planned, not spontaneous, and any props used should be minimal.
A. Delivery may be from memory, extemporaneous (with or without notes), or by reading the manuscript.
B. Performance shall not exceed 10 minutes in length. There is no minimum time limit.
C. Use of language and audience analysis.
D. Overall feedback provided on: Content, delivery, audience impact.